Kick-off Meeting “Development and Optimization of Halophyte-based Farming systems in salt-affected Mediterranean Soils” HaloFarMs

Kick-off Meeting “Development and Optimization of Halophyte-based Farming systems in salt-affected Mediterranean Soils” HaloFarMs

HaloFarMs is part of the PRIMA Program supported by the European Union and funded by the national funding bodies of six Participating States (Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal) for a period of 3 years, starting from October 2020. HaloFarMs is composed of eight partners from six countries: CBBC and CERTE (Tunisia), DRC (Egypt), CSIC (Spain), UBO and INRAE (France), UNIPI (Italy), CCMAR (Portugal). The overall objective of HaloFarMs is to develop and optimize sustainable and environmentally friendly new farming practices and producing systems based on the cultivation of halophytes, able to cope with soil and water salinization and to restore biodiversity.

To celebrate the start of HaloFarMs project funded under the PRIMA calls for proposals 2019 (section 2- farming systems), a kick-off meeting (KoM) will be held on 20 November 2020. As coordinating institution of this project, The Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria (CBBC, Tunisia), will organize this event under the auspices of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR), in collaboration with the other partner institutions. Because of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the KoM that was initially expected to be held in Tunisia in the presence of representatives from the different partners involved in the HaloFarMs project, will take place in virtual mode instead, and will be hosted by ANPR (National Agency of the Promotion of Scientific Research). The representatives of our consortium partners and stakeholders will meet for the first time to formally launch the project. They will use this opportunity to get to know each other, get more familiar with the project’s objectives and assess the upcoming activities.

This event is open to science policy makers, academicians, students, scientists working in field of Agriculture from all Euro-Mediterranean states participating in PRIMA program and from all over the world.



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