Innov’School Networks of Things

Innov’School Networks of Things

Innov’Com@Sup’Com research laboratory is organizing the Innov’School of Networks of Things IS-NOT’2018 in collaboration with Université Téluq Montréal.

The event will be held on April 28th – 29th , 2018 at Gammarth.

It  includes four talks, two workshops and an industrial/poster session which highlight the network of things solutions.

    IS-NOT 2018 invites original, unpublished short paper submissions. Submitted papers should not exceed two pages (including figures, tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE two-column format. Authors should clearly explain the significance of the work, highlight novel features and describe its current status. All submissions should be made electronically through the IS-NOT 2018 website.

Upon acceptance by the scientific committee, the author(s) will prepare a poster of the paper in time for inclusion in the proceedings, and present it in the poster session.  Furthermore, Certifications will be offered to all presented posters and may be used as an evidence for a scientific contribution in any academic requirements.

Please note there are a limited number of poster boards available! Your prompt submission is highly recommended. Awards are delivered to the three best rated posters! !


For more information regarding the registration , you are kindly invited to visit the website on:

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